Gersteltec is an innovative company, established in Switzerland in 2004, develops, manufactures, sells, and supports innovative epoxy photo-resists, photo-dielectrics and ancillary products used in the fabrication of micro-structures, Products offered by Gersteltec are based on advanced SU-8 technology with specific properties to match the customer’s requirements. They offer unique miniaturization, nanoscale effects and integration capabilities. As such they have made their way into many large markets: automotive (sensors), inkjets, microfluidics / BioMEMS, projection systems DLP, radio frequency MEMS for telecommunications, display, etc… Strong growth still lies ahead in most sectors and particularly in consumer applications.
The production processes and technologies are derived from the industry of semiconductors but adaptations are necessary for the specific applications. As the market is quite fragmented, specialized equipment and material providers have emerged for the various applications. Hence specific photoresist solutions – thick layers – such as SU-8 have been created that are ideally suited to these markets. They offer a cheaper and more functional alternative to traditional Silicon layers. Leveraging years of research in this field, Gersteltec, a spin-off from the EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), has developed deep experience in the formulation, validation and testing of SU-8 epoxy photoresist for various types of MEMS.
Gersteltec’s unique expertise covers:
PH.D. 2004 Department of Material & Microtechnique
EPFL Switzerland