The use of low-stress SU8 nanocomposites as a functional material for micro-parts and coating applications is described in this paper Evolution with time of the coefficient of friction under a normal load of 2 N for Inox balls, B and M different concentration of silica filler in SU8. Jiguet, S ; Judelewicz, M ; Mischler,...Continue Reading
The increasing interests in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) has raised the requirement for photoresist materials with improved friction and wear properties for mechanically loaded 3D shaped microstructures Optical images of wear traces left by steel balls on (a) SU8, (b) SU8 after heat treatment, (c) A composite, (d) composite A after heat treatment, (e) B composite,...Continue Reading
Schematic cross section of the fabrication process for horizontal plane inductors in quartz package. Leroy, Christine ; Pisani, Marcelo B. ; Hibert, Cyrille ; Bouvet, Didier et al. Proceedings of the 2006 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS / MOEMS, DTIP 2006, 2006Présenté à: DTIP 2006, Stresa, Italy, April 2006. Full textContinue Reading
A conductive composite photoresist has been developed for the direct photopatterning of electrodesA conductive composite photoresist has been developed for the direct photopatterning of electrodes. It is based on a dispersion of silver nanoparticles in SU8, a non-conductive, negative-tone photoresist. Manufactured structures have an electrical conduc- tivity at a low silver content of around 6...Continue Reading
The present thesis deals with new composite photoresists for the UV-LIGA and microstereolithography microfabrication processes. Jiguet, Sébastien ; Renaud, Philippe Lausanne: EPFL, 2004. Full textContinue Reading
The following paper describes a sacrificial layer method for the manufacturing of microfluidic devices in polyimide and SU-8. The technique uses heat-depolymerizable polycarbonates embedded in polyimide or SU-8 for the generation of microchannels and sealed cavities. The volatile decomposition products originating from thermolysis of the sacrificial material escape out of the embedding material by diffusion...Continue Reading
This paper describes new polymer/ceramic photosensitive resins that can be used in the microstereolithography process for manufacturing complex 3D components in composite material. These new resins contain high loads (up to 80 wt.%) of alumina nanoparticles, used as fillers in a photosensitive acrylate-based resin of low viscosity. With the nanopowder-filled resin we developed, various small...Continue Reading
Microstereolithography is a technique that allows the manufacture of small and complex three-dimensional (3D) components in plastic material. Many of the components produced by this technique are too small and too complex to be replicated by molding and, consequently, the produced components need to have adequate mechanical or chemical characteristics to be useful. Until now,...Continue Reading
Composite materials offer a combination of properties and adiversityofapplications,whichcannotbeobtainedwith metals, ceramics or polymers alone. In particular, the inser- tion of a conductive phase (metallic or inorganic powders or conductive polymers) in an insulating polymer matrix, can result in an enhancement of its electrical conductivity. Var- iousstudieshavebeenfocusedonsuchelectricallyconduc- tive polymer composition (ECPCs), which do not have the...Continue Reading
A new electrically conductive photosensitive composite resist has been formulated and used to build microcomponents. This composite material is based on the SU-8 photopolymer, an insulating negative-tone photoresist, in which silver nano-particles have been dispersed to enhance the electrical properties of the polymer. The properties of this new photosensitive composite have been characterized by optical...Continue Reading