info@gersteltec.ch +41 (0)79 564 34 23 General-Guisan 26, 1009 Pully, Switzerland CH
info@gersteltec.ch +41 (0)79 564 34 23 General-Guisan 26, 1009 Pully, Switzerland CH
Gersteltec Engineering Solutions
Swiss Made SU-8 photoepoxy functional products for MEMS, LIGA and Microelectronics

You need resin for nanoscale production?

Welcome to e- Beam Resist

Gersteltec develops, manufacture and designed resist for electron beam lithography to answer the demands of the EBL community. Gersteltec offers several kinds of e-Beam and p-Beam resist under different products forms that can give your company an extra competitive edge. As Negative resin GM10xx, GLM10xx and SML resist and positive PMMA resist.


Gersteltec offers ready-to-use formulated products with different types of filler, pigments, ink and solvent (ceton, ether acetate, aromathic and more) according to your needs. Gersteltec photoepoxy materials and products meet and exceed the needs of the world´s leading microsystem device makers with advanced functional SU-8 photoresist.

GM10xx series GLM20XX Low-Stress seris

  • GM1010 for layers smaller than 0.2 µme-Beam
  • GM1020 for layers between 0.2-0.5µme-Beam
  • GM1030 for layers between 0.5-1.2µme-Beam
  • GM1040 for layers between 0.9-3.2µme-Beam
  • GM1050 for layers betwwen 3-8µme-Beam
  • GM1060 for layers between 5-27µme-Beam

* To be able to see the datasheets of the diferent products, please create an account



SML Resist is supplied in a range of thicknesses from 50nm up to 2μm in volumes starting at only 50mL. The high performance SML resist is a novel polymer that has been specifically designed to answer the demands of the EBL community. It can be simultaneously patterned into high resolution and high aspect ratio patterns, even at low acceleration voltages, and without the aid of proximity effect correction.

* To be able to see the datasheets of the diferent products, please create an account



PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) is a widely used, versatile, positive tone electron beam resist. It is used in many micro and nano-electronic applications. Typically exposed using direct write e-beam lithography, PMMA can also be exposed with x-ray and deep UV microlithography processes.

* To be able to see the datasheets of the diferent products, please create an account