info@gersteltec.ch +41 (0)79 564 34 23 General-Guisan 26, 1009 Pully, Switzerland CH
info@gersteltec.ch +41 (0)79 564 34 23 General-Guisan 26, 1009 Pully, Switzerland CH
Gersteltec Engineering Solutions
Swiss Made SU-8 photoepoxy functional products for MEMS, LIGA and Microelectronics

Technical Services

Innovations: Tailor made products for you .

The Photoresist Division of gersteltec works closely with its customers to understand their needs and offer customized products, tailor made oriducts and services. Gersteltec offer assistance to its customer in selecting the right combination of nanocomposite Epoxy systems to achieve the best results by offering its formulating expertise and functional product performance testing with its universities teams and partners, including EPFL and others universities.


Microsystem processing

Gersteltec is a leading provider in development and production of new functional photoepoxy based on microsystem processing such as MEMS, MOMES and LIGA.

Services range

Gersteltec’s services range from designing new raw material functional SU-8 to completing product developments with foundry service semi volume production.


These services comprise support in selected areas of technology and production, which the customer is unable to cover himself on the basis of his own capabilities or capacities, so he is obliged to outsource them.


  • Design of new functional SU8 photoresist.
  • Components based on optical transmition.
  • Components and systems based on microfluidics.
  • MEMS-MOMES-LIGA process development.
  • Prototyping, production and supply.
  • Functional design.
  • Mask design.


  • Process development, optimization and scale up.
  • Feasibility studies.
  • Reability Testing.
  • Assembly.
  • Packaging design.
  • Training and advanced training